I have a question about DNCP (Deferred New Claimant Program). My benefit year ended in November while I still had three weeks left on my PEUC balance. I qualified for a new claim, but at a lower weekly benefit amount than the PEUC. I was told that there was no way to exhaust my PEUC balance, I had to just start the new claim at a lower WBA. But now I just learned that DNCP exists, which should have allowed me to exhaust my PEUC balance first, deferring the start of my new claim (because of the new lower WBA). I am already a couple months into the new claim, but is there a way I can retroactively receive the last three weeks of my PEUC, then have my new claim adjusted to "start" three weeks later?
The rules for DNCP are also hazy. On the EDD website on the updated Federal Provisions page under the PEUC section "After Your Benefit Year", it says the deferral is triggered if the new claim benefit amount is $25 less than the PEUC amount. I've seen scant reference to DNCP elsewhere, but, on a couple random unaffiliated sites I read the rule initially in 2010 was that the DNCP is used when the new claim's benefit amount is 25% less, or $100 less, than the previous federal extension amount. Is it different now for PEUC or is the $25 amount on EDD a typo? Thank you for your help!
I have a similar question. My claim ended March 13, and I reapplied for a new one. The WBA is $200 less than it was before, since I barely worked in 2020. Is there a way to continue getting the benefits I've been getting?