I followed instructions for when my benefit year ended and filed for a new claim. My year ended 3/22, and since then I have been approved on a slightly lower benefit amount. it’s triggered when my weekly amount is $25 less than what I was earning previously, and mine certainly is but still to this day I haven’t received notice at all. I certify again today and 2 weeks ago I certified for one week and already received payment on the lower amount. will I still even have a chance to be placed on my previous claim following the DNCP program since I earned more on that claim or is there something I’m missing About the program that makes me ineligible?
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This website is no longer updated or active as of June 2023. Please refer to EDD's website for the most up to date and accurate information
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They have not said anything about DNCP implementing except for the one page of federal provisions that say the will eventually implement it. So, they haven't really spoken much about it at all. :(
I don't think you're ineligible. EDD is just slow.
Here is a thread that you might be interested in following: https://www.facebook.com/groups/UCAUH/permalink/4318112134886404/