I have two very specific questions relating to the unemployment claim form.
I have am now unemployed from my W2 City of Oakland job because of a COVID-related deficit. I still have my 1099/contract work for my DBA business. It is (was) about 30% as an employee, 70% as a self-employed person.
When filing for unemployment, I was perplexed at *how* to answer these questions because of the above situation. Aka, do I just look at my status as a formerly employed person, and not at all at my self-employed status.
See screenshot attached.
1a.1 - What is your total income (which figure do I use, since part of it is from self-employment and part from my W2). Are they looking for gross income that includes W2 and 1099, or either one?
1e. Select the option that applies to you (literally none of the above). I am unemployed from an employer AND self-employed. Not sure which option is closest.
1e.1 - How many hours did you work prior to the disaster?
- Is this from my former employment, or my self-employed business or both? EG, for my W2, I worked about 12 hours a week. With my self-employment AND my W2, I worked about 35 hours per week. Which is the number that I use?
1e.2 - Explain briefly how the disaster affected your ability to continue or begin your self-employment.
- It didn't, but I'm applying for unemployment through my former employment. How do I answer this if it isn't applicable?

Thank you!
But there is also that MEUC to consider. Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation. https://does.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/does/publication/attachments/Mixed%20Earners%20Unemployment%20Compensation%20%28MEUC%29%5B1%5D.pdf