This is for the forum and for the Unemployment Gurus in particular. On the EDD website it constantly refers to if "you were on PUA and ran out you'll be put on PEUC" and vice versa, but how can you qualify for both? Qualifying for one will automatically disqualify you for the other by the fact of how you qualify: PEUC = You qualify if you had a regular UI claim and exhausted all extensions. PUA = You qualify only if you didn't qualify for a regular UI claim. So it doesn't make sense.
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Where do you see that? It's true that you cannot qualify for both but there are some unique situations.
For example - lets say you had a UI claim early on in the year... and then you used up all your weeks... so you'd go to PEUC 13 week extension. Let's say this 13 week extension takes you up to the beginning of November 2020. At this time, PEUC 11 week extension was NOT available (did not get signed until Dec 27, 2020) -- therefore there were no more UI benefits for this person who qualify. So in November, this person would have been considered for FED-ED... but let's say they do not qualify because they didn't meet the requirements (FED-ED eligibility is different). So then -- what's left? PUA. So they are put on PUA in November because there are no other options.
The Continued Cares Act got signed December 27, 2020... but implementation of it took a few weeks. So people who were on PUA continued to be on PUA until EDD got it together to implement those 11 weeks of PEUC. Let's say it took them about 3 weeks... so we're in the third week of January and this person who was ORIGINALLY a UI claimant got put on PUA... and now since the new PEUC 11 weeks were available... they will now go back onto PEUC.
And that's how someone can be both. Another way to put it is that some programs were not available depending on what timeline you are looking at.
This person will likely continue on the PEUC 29 week extension up until September.