I got a pUA extensión dec.20 bit my weeks had been pending until recently disqualified. Should I appeal? do I have a case? i Have not been able to return to worksince the pandemic started even though it has been offered, because of no childcare or transportation. Schools closed,they are in distance learning and I have no childcare.
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Same situation here in Missouri. It says under the guidelineone in thes of the cares act. I think transportation and child care are no longer qualifications but quitting your Job is, now. I quit one and was fired from one in the same week. So hopefully can appeal or they fix it.
I have the appeal letter
Yes you can appeal any disqualification. You need to find the reason why you are disqualified and then in your appeal argue why you disagree with it. If you received a letter of disqualification, you need to send your appeal to the address on that letter. here is the appeal form: