hi! my benefit year was up on 3/15 and I was on peuc extension. I have no funds left. I need to file a new claim. However, I cant find the option to file a new claim anywhere. Any advice on how I can go about filing? Do I just wait? Any help would be appreciated.
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This website is no longer updated or active as of June 2023. Please refer to EDD's website for the most up to date and accurate information
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Good news!! I used claimyr and ended up spending about 8 hours on the phone, but it’s fixed!! I had to go to tier 2, but finally got someone who figured out all the different issues and I received my checks last week!! Thank you thank you!! ❤️
Alex! Thank you thank you!!! You are fantastic!!! Yes, I started on PEUC in March 2020, but my year expired June 5, 2020, so then I opened a regular UI claim. My SDI started June 21, 2020 and I still had a balance on my regular UI claim. So in March 2021, when SDI ended, I believe I should be eligible for an extension of my regular UI benefits. But starting June 2021, my year ended, so now I'm going to read through everything you sent me to make sure I understand which program I'm eligible for now. When I finally get through to EDD, I want all the info at my fingertips!! Stay safe, and again, thank you for all this wonderful info!!! Chris
Thank you, Alex! That helps me keep hope alive! I ended up getting a denial letter last week because I hadn't collected unemployment from March-June (because I couldn't reopen my claim, ARG!!!). So I wrote a letter stating that I SHOULD have been collecting unemployment, but wasn't able to because the website wouldn't allow me to reopen my claim... I received a letter stating that I would eventually (who know when, eye roll!) get an apt. to talk to someone about the denied claim. I'm 4 months behind now, so hoping to reach out to Unemployment Gurus for help with the phone calling and making sure I have EVERYTHING I need so I can get it all fixed at once.
Thank you, Alex... sadly I'm in limbo. I needed to "reopen" a claim from last year (was SDI for a few months, but when my doctor released me, my job is still shut down). The "reopen claim" button was missing (and the "file a new claim" button was missing, too, even after the update mentioned above.). After 2 months my UI year ended and the "open a new claim" button appeared, so I applied for a new claim. But it was denied because I hadn't received benefits for the 2 months previous where my I should have been able to reopen my claim from 2020. ARG! hundreds of phone calls, couldn't even get to the hold line. I've written both my representatives and the governor. Hopefully something will happen this month. Thank you so much for all the details you provided
UPDATE 07/05/21
Since I don’t see any new posts I’m hoping everyone got their issues fixed.
I‘m updating my last post. Everything is fixed. I was able to certify and the money came in a day or so after. This was for the second extension covering dates 12/27/20 - 03/24/21 (aprrox) and a few days after that third extension kicked in automatically so now I am current. Finalky!
Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't updated since the last time. So here's what happened I updated my benefit year because it expired. Kevin, I think your benefit year is still valid until 07/2021 so that's why it won't let you put in a new claim. It should allow you next month.
After I did my thing absolutely NOTHING happened. I waited and waited and my account showed nothing (it was still the same), I even did the id me thing to get that out of the way. So that's why I didn't update because I had no news to give. Waited and waited.
Last week my friend who is also on UI but he has a regular claim was also in limbo. He called me up to tell me about this service called "Claimyr" that helped him get through to a live person at EDD and they straightened his problem right away and he was able to certify again and his benefits restarted. I never heard of this app/company so I waited a few days before I tried it and I think it was last Wed I decided to give it a try.
I have no idea how he found out about it but here's the deal: they charge you $20 and they make the phone call to the EDD (I'm sure it's a computer that's calling and not a person) and once they get to the point where you are finally on hold to speak to a rep, the app will call your phone back and you wait on hold.
So I did that about 11 am on Wednesday, I didn't think much of it, and about 3-ish my phone rang back and I was on hold for a rep. I waited on hold for about 40-minutes and finally I spoke to a rep. She fixed my account so that I was able to certify for the second extension for PEUC, which runs from 12/27/20 - 03/12/21 (approximately I don't have the exact dates before me) for 11-weeks. She told me it could take about 5-7 days to kick in so I should get a text that says my UI account has been updated and I'll be able to certify then. So I got the text a couple of days ago, but I was busy with other stuff so I didn't go onto my account right away. I finally did that tonight and I was able to certify for the back dates starting from Dec 2020. for the 11-weeks. What's interesting is that the job search record was not needed, even though you check "I looked for work," like before.
Now my account hasn't automatically transferred me to the third extension of PEUC, which started on 03/13/21 or whatever the following week was when the second extension ran out, and this is the current one which will run until either the beginning or middle of September 2021.
The rep did tell me that I might have to call back to get that third extension activated, so I anticipated this. I also asked why my account was in limbo like that and she said that it was strange because every week or every 2 weeks the system goes through the entire claims to see who is due for what and for some reason my account was being skipped over and the only thing she could think of was because my account was basically inactive since the first PEUC extension payout in August 2020, but she wasn't sure.
I'm not exhaling just yet until the money is in my account. BTW, when I resubmitted my application for the new benefit year for some reason they sent me a new debit card, which I didn't request and the expiration date on the first card was still good until 2023. I'm guessing that everything is the same as far as my pin number is concerned because I had no option to create a pin # like the first time. Maybe they did it just because they thought the original card was set to expire, who knows?
So I'm not saying to use this service or not but here's the website:
However, the site is barebones. It's better to go to their Facebook or Instagram page for detailed information as to who they are (a company based in San Francsico), what they do, how they do it, and what the process is.
So like I said before the way I did it was my friend sent me the link. I clicked on it when I was ready (I didn't even research the company because my friend has no reason to lie about this and if it was a scam he wouldn't have been able to certify and get his money), I put in my cell phone number and credit card info (it costs $20 and this is for each time you use the service, but if the call drops or disconnects or some other event happens you don't have to pay again. The next payment would be if you have to do a new call on a different day or in the future). I don't remember if I put in my zip code associated with my UI account but maybe I did, and then the app says that the process will start and as soon as they get through I'll receive a phone call back at the phone number provided and to answer it because it might say this is a potential robo call but answer all calls coming in on that day, so a few hours later I got the call and it did say "potential spam caller," and I did remain on hold for 40-minutes before I spoke to someone (so you still have to wait). After I was through with the EDD call, Claimyr automatically sent me a text message to see if my issue was resolved, if the call was dropped, if they hung up, or if any issues came up. But none happened to me (thankfully). My friend did tell me when he used it he was on hold and the call disconnected after awhile but Claimyr sent the same follow up message and he put in that he was disconnected and the app said it will try again. Because it was so close to the end of the day, the app sent another message saying it would try again the first thing in the morning and he'll get the call back once it gets through and that's what happened.
I'll update again when the money is in my account and I'll wait a week to see if my account kicks over to the third extension, if not I'll use that app again because it was way better than trying on my own.
I hope someone can help me. I'm so frustrated! I was getting unemployment and my rollover to my first round of PUA went smoothly. I had to wait about 4-5 weeks for the $$ to come through. Now, I got a message from UI/EDD that my "claim had run out" and I had to file a new claim. I'm an actor - and the system is impossible to navigate for me - I work like one day here and one day there. I can't see my past certifications (where I could get my employer info), so I'm dead in the water. Please help. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. ~ Kate
anyone gotten anywhere ?
Here is what i have for 4 weeks now
( shows my benefit year starting on 2019 but
all the payment pages say benefit year starts 7/2020
and i am on "original UI certification"
BTW i have a wide variety of friends all in different situations
These are some of the situations
1 Reapplied and was rejected ( out of benefit year)
2 my spouse same as me ( benefit year shows start July 2020)
3 Many friends pending for a month
I have no options to apply for a new benefit year The only thing i can do is Mail or fax a application as applying for benefits require me establishing a new Uionline account (not advised if you already have one ) I am still in my benefit year btw
Was told by my state representative that things would change
on April 17 nothing has changed
Thank you @Alex Honda for being so informative! I try to come here as often as I can on my free time to answer as much as I am able to. I definitely appreciate when other people are answering as well, so thank you! :)
Hi Everyone,
I was able to reapply for "a new claim" so I can get a new benefit year. Check your UI account and see if you can do this as well. You'll also have to sign up with ID.Me through the link on your UI account, which will come up after you click "File New Claim." You''ll need to create an account on ID.Me, if you don't have one already, have your driver's license or Passport or Passport Card, must be valid and not expired that shows your name the way it is on your EDD claim form. Then you'll have to take a selfie with your phone, they'll send a link and instructions, which is going to scan your face. Make sure you are in a well lit area or you'll have to repeat the process. If you're lucky your identity will be approved. If not, you might have to do that interview thing with some live person at ID.Me.
Because of this it's going to take an additional 2-3 weeks, and maybe more, to see if you qualify for a new claim. I have a feeling this is going to cause issues because they're going to see if you qualify for a new UI claim (which I don't). And then they're supposed to send you a denial or rejection letter. At that point, they're (so they claim) go back to your previous claim and restart that -- in our case PEUC -- from the 2nd or 3rd extension, whichever you didn't get. And it's not going to restart paying from where your 1st or 2nd extension week left off (in other words the last date you got benefits).
If you're expecting the second extension the pay period will begin 12/27/20 -- 03/13/21. If you're expecting the third extension that pay period will begin on 03/14/21. -- 09/04/21 (the Sept 04, 2021 is when all the Federal Extensions expire, which means if another legislative act doesn't go through we won't be getting anymore UI benefits. Most of us will probably exhaust our claims before that Sept 04, 2021 date but maybe not.
The third extension is supposed to provide 29-weeks of additional UI, so I don't know if they're going to calculate the amount that reaches the 29-weeks? Hopefully they will.
Here's another issue that's going to come up: when I refiled the question came up "did you work in the past 18-months?" In my case the answer is NO because I was on UI and then the CTB extension, but there's no place to put that in.
Also, they don't ask if you had a previous claim or on extension. The only question about claims was if you filed a claim in another state or Canada.
Likewise, the section "Did you lose your job because of a disaster?" If you answer "Yes," COVID-19 is listed as one of the disasters, but then as you continue on the questions start asking about your self-employment (how much you made, where was the address, etc.). There was no option to put in that you were receiving UI before and during when the pandemic hit, and therefore you couldn't find a job because of the lockdown and everyone losing their jobs. I'm sure this is going to be an issue and I don't know why there was no other option since people getting PEUC had a previous UI claim and ran out of benefits.
I'm hoping that everything goes smoothly but that would be shocking. For the life of me I can't make any sense of their system and why they're doing it this way? Most people aren't going to qualify for a new claim because they're looking back at the past 18-months and even if you worked part of the 6-months before the pandemic you won't qualify because they'll claim you didn't work enough or earn enough money. All of which doesn't apply to us because we've already got the UI benefit and are on the PEUC Federal Extension.
Just remember that for PEUC recipients we're supposed to be getting 53-weeks in total so if they try and deny you, you'll know how to appeal the decision.
I put a link to the Federal Extension Benefits below -- this is on the EDD website -- so you can see when each extension began and ended, as well as the other Federal extension options.
Post your updates. I will do the same. I hope this nightmare will be over soon. BTW, I still haven't heard back from that rep who was supposed to call me on Monday. Maybe she'll call today since the UI computer has been updated.
Hi all! Here's some hopeful news that I got in my UI in box about 8 or 9pm last night. I hope we're going to be able to exhale and move forward on the 16th! But until I'm able to certify and receive my benefits, I'm not holding my breath.
But keep those fingers crossed! If I hear back from the rep I'll update.
Dear EDD Customer,
The Employment Development Department (EDD) identified a system issue preventing some customers from filing a new claim through their UI OnlineSM account.
These customers were not able to select the File New Claim button within their UI Online account. This issue will be fixed by April 16, 2021.
If you were impacted and want to continue collecting benefits, log in to your UI Online account on 4/16/2021 to submit a new UI Online application.
After submitting your application, you can request the EDD to backdate the effective date of your new UI claim. To submit your request:
Visit Ask EDD.
Select Unemployment Insurance Benefits category.
Select Claim Questions sub-category.
Select the topic Backdate the Effective Date of my Claim Due to COVID-19 (Ask EDD).
Submit your request to backdate.
i ended up submitting a paper copy via fax but who knows how long that’s going to take or if it even makes it to the right hands. will update if anything changes.
i ended up submitting a paper copy via fax but who knows how long that’s going to take or if it even makes it to the right hands. will update if anything changes.
Hi guys, no news to report. My rep didn't call today, I don't know why? My account is still the same. Can't file for new benefit year. Can't certify. and can't get through on the phone.
My friend who is on a regular UI he can't refile either. This is beyond frustrating.! But I promise that as soon as I hear back I'll let you guys know.
This is the webpage you're looking for. Try typing it in to your browser after logging in https://uio.edd.ca.gov/UIO/Pages/Public/NewClaim/UIOnlineNewClaimLandingPage.aspx
You're gonna get an error message and when you click the blue redirect it will hopefully redirect you to the new claim or manage claim page.
Is there any way to do it by mail?