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New Stimulus Guidance

Unemployment Guru

Updated: Sep 8, 2022

The new stimulus is called the Continued Assistance Act (CAA)

This article contains Unemployment Guru Announcements, the New Guidance from the US Department of Labor, and images of charts from US Department of Labor.

New Guidance from Department of Labor

All updates on Continued Assistance Act will be updated in the original The New Stimulus article. Follow that post as it will be updated as news comes. Here is a summary of NEW information from the US Department of Labor that has been added to the original article.

  • First payment of FPUC additional $300 should apply to week ending January 2, 2020

  • Hybrid workers - states are allowed to decide if they want implement Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation of additional $100 by January 2

  • States are allowed to keep you on PUA until they can implement the 11 week PEUC extension. Once they are able to, they'll put you on it.

  • Any new PUA applications after December 26, 2020 cannot backdate any earlier than December 6, 2020

  • Deadlines for documentations for PUA claimants depending on when you had applied (if you are still collecting after December 27, 2020)

  • Potential possibility if CA chooses to operate this way: If you qualify for a new claim, but your new claim will put your weekly benefit amount less than $25 of what you receive, the state is allowed the flexibility of keeping you on PEUC (this is not a guarantee). Keywords: potential possibility.

Summary of all information relevant to the new stimulus, or now referenced as the Continued Assistance Act (CAA) will be in this article here (including all this new info). Direct sources linked at the bottom of the page.

Charts & Important Dates


Letter to State Workforce Agencies from US Department of Labor

Chart with important dates from US Department of Labor


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NEW: direct Unemployment Guru Help

We are now servicing people who have claims that have been stuck for months or those who need assistance with appeals. If you have other questions you can ask in our forum which we check periodically.

Tools & Calculators

Unemployment Gurus has tools and calculators to figure out those really confusing questions:

  • How much can I earn and still qualify for the FPUC $300 from the new stimulus?

  • Do I qualify for FED-ED?

  • How much will I get if I work?

  • What is my standard base period?

  • Do I qualify for LWA?

  • Am I eligible for UI?

Preview tools here


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