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EDD Workers Sharing False or Conflicting Information

Unemployment Guru

Updated: Jan 31, 2021

Compilation of the members who have stated what EDD workers have said:

I'm an 1099 and have only been 1099 for years. My PUA claim was disqualified and came back as $0. I made it through and the guy on the phone said I'm not eligible for PUA. I told him I thought independent contractors were eligible, but he told me no, if you only made money as a 1099 in the last 18 months, I am not eligible for any that true??

  • PUA was made for those who do not qualify for regular Unemployment Insurance which INCLUDES self-employed, independent contractors, 1099

Told by EDD worker that you cannot backdate a PUA claim

  • This is FALSE. You absolutely can backdate it to the day you unemployed due to COVID-19. See additional details here

EDD worker said the system is crashing and not being able to get through on the phone lines was not a good enough reason to issue back pay

  • Whether you are under regular unemployment or PUA, they should be able to consider the fact that you were unemployed due to COVID and backdate your claim. ALSO KNOW that backdating your claim can cause you to change your award amount. Read about how they calculate your award amount here

EDD Worker said I needed to file out of state since the corporate address was out of state, though I work and live in California.

  • This is wrong. File to the state you worked longest in and paid taxes to. Here is a general article explaining unemployment insurance.


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