Many people are asking "What are FED-ED benefits?" and this article will explain to you what they are exactly and if you qualify.
What is FED-ED benefits?
The Federal-State Extended Duration (also known as FED-ED benefits) is an extension that provides up to 20 weeks of additional benefits for people who used all of their unemployment benefits
FED-ED benefits also adds 7 weeks to the PUA program, making PUA a maximum of 46 weeks (PUA program existed from 3/28/2020 - 9/4/2021)
FED-ED benefits can only be paid only after people have collected all regular UI benefits as well as PEUC (Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation)
FED-ED benefits will continue until California's unemployment rate drops below a certain level -- there is no end date for the extended benefit period as of now
What makes me eligible?
If you are unemployed and you:
Have a regular UI claim that started on or after May 19, 2019
Used all benefits on UI claim and PEUC, or your claim has expired
Do not qualify for new UI claim in CA or any other state
Meet UI eligible requirements and are not disqualified
Made enough earnings in the base period of your regular UI claim (see next question)
If you are eligible, the EDD says they will automatically file a FED-ED Benefit extension for you. Make sure you call and follow up to make sure your claim is on the correct program.
How do I find if I made enough earnings in my base period to qualify?
Continue reading below for how the math works or you can get access to the Tools & Calculators here to check your eligibility.
Your total base period earnings must be more than either of these
a) 40 times weekly benefit amount (40 x WBA)
Find your base period. More information here
Calculate the total amount of earnings during that period
Find your weekly benefit amount (WBA) located on your main page when you log into your online portal
Multiply your Weekly Benefit Amount by 40 (WBA x 40)
Is your weekly benefit amount x 40 < total amount of earnings in base period
If yes, you qualify
b) 1.5 times the earnings in highest quarter of the base period of your regular claim
Find your base period. More information here
Calculate the total amount of earnings during that period
Find the quarter where you made the HIGHEST earnings
Multiply the earnings in your highest quarter by 1.5
Is your highest quarterly earnings x 1.5 < total amount of earnings in base period
If yes, you qualify
NOTE: To qualify it's EITHER/OR situation A or B
1. You find that your base period is from Jan 2019 - Dec 2019
Quarter 1 (Jan - Mar) = earned 11,700
Quarter 2 (Apr - Jun) = earned 3,000
Quarter 3 (July - Sept) = earned 3,000
Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) = earned 3,000
2. Total of all earnings during your base period = 20,700
3. Your weekly benefit amount is 450
Qualifying Situation A: Multiply weekly benefit amount by 40 (450 x 40 = 18,000)
Is the total base earnings greater than weekly benefit amount x 40?
Total base period earnings (20,700) > WBA x 40 (18,000)
Yes, you qualify
Qualifying Situation B: Multiply highest quarter earnings by 1.5 (11,700 x 1.5 = 17,550)
Is the total base earnings greater than highest quarterly earnings x 1.5?
Total base period earnings (20,700) > highest quarterly earnings x 1.5 (17,550)
Yes, you qualify
I know I qualify for FED-ED Benefits, what happens next?
If you've done all the calculations, double checked using the free tools we provided on this website and you know you absolutely qualify, EDD should have automatically put you on FED-ED benefits and you should be getting a Notice of Determination for Federal-State Extended Duration Benefits, or known as FED-ED benefits. This letter will include the effective date of the extension, eligibility requirements, and your potential benefit amount.
After this, you can just certify like normal with the bi-weekly certifications for your weekly eligibility which is done online or via paper/snail mail. I would recommend signing up for the online portal since you will be able to receive the money on your debit card quicker.
What do I do if I'm not eligible?
There are one of two things that you can do:
1. You can appeal the decision
You will be mailed a Notice of Determination for Federal-State Extended Duration Benefits (FED-ED Benefits Extension) (DE 6330FED-D) within 5-7 days. It will explain why you are not eligible and will include information how to appeal.
FAQcaui has additional advice for appealing here
2. You will automatically be put on PUA. This is only true if this was prior to when PUA ended (9/4/2021). If you are ineligible after 9/4/2021, then there is no PUA program available.
EDD will either open a new PUA claim for you, or put you on your old PUA claim if you had one in the past
You will be sent a notice of Immediate Action Required - Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Self-Certification (DE 4365PUA).
You must very that you meet PUA eligibility requirements: unemployed, partially unemployed, unable or unavailable to work due to one of the federally recognized COVID-19 reasons.
If you do not complete and return the form within 10 days, your PUA benefits may be delayed or denied
What does the maximum benefit amount depend on?
The maximum benefit amount is basically how much total amount will you be awarded for FED-ED benefits. They calculate this based on your last regular claim. It will be the LESSER of these two situations:
50% of the maximum benefit amount of your UI claim
13x the weekly benefit amount
In your old claim, you had a weekly benefit amount of 400 and had a maximum benefit amount of 8,800
Example 1: 50% of 8,800 = 4,400
Example 2: 13 x $400 = 5,200
Your maximum benefit amount will be 4,400 since it is the lesser of the two
This example taken straight from EDD website here
I got paid FED-ED benefits between May 10, 2020 and July 25, 2020 -- will I still get the additional $600?
Yes, EDD will pay the federal stimulus fund on top of your weekly benefit amount. It will be automatically added to each eligible weeks
I got paid FED-ED benefits between January 2021 to August 2021 -- will I still get the additional $300?
Yes, EDD will pay the federal stimulus fund on top of your weekly benefit amount. It will be automatically added to each eligible weeks
When do the program for FED-ED benefits end?
EDD website states that there will no longer be any FED-ED benefits paid out after September 11th.
If you were owed FED-ED benefits prior to September 11... such as in 2020 or 2021, you could potentially still retrieve those benefits. EDD is still working on retroactively paying people who were qualified during the pandemic. If you believe you are still owed benefits and need assistance in retrieving them, we can help. Unemployment Gurus specializes in helping people missing many months of benefits. We can be your advocate in getting the benefits that are rightly owed to you, help you understanding the confusing process of unemployment, and if necessary be your representative at appeals.
Information from EDD page here