All updates will be posted here:
4/30/2020 - EDD put out a news release here. Below is copied from the news release on relevant information for exhausted benefits.
Workers who have exhausted all available unemployment benefits
The EDD has a dedicated team working to build the new 13-week federal extension of benefits established in the federal CARES Act called the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC). Some workers who have run out of all of their available benefits will be eligible for this extension, while others may qualify for the new PUA program. Unfortunately, the complex web of eligibility requirements established by the federal government makes this very challenging for impacted workers looking for immediate financial help. To help navigate the mandated requirements, the EDD provides the following guidance to assist workers. It all depends on when you exhausted your benefits, and when your benefit year expires.
If you received your last benefit payment for weeks you spent unemployed between February 2 and March 21, but are still within the one year that your claim is good for, you could be eligible for PUA benefits for the weeks you are eligible for between February 2, 2020 and March 28, 2020. While you will not be able to apply for PUA through UI Online, the EDD will send you a Notice of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Award and a separate document you’ll need to complete to give EDD additional details that we don’t already have from you to meet PUA requirements. Watch for further updates soon.
If you received your last benefit payment for weeks you spent unemployed on or after March 21 and are still within your benefit year, you will not meet federal requirements for PUA. But the EDD will automatically file an extension claim for you as soon as it’s available since we will already have your information needed. You will receive a notice from EDD when that claim has been filed and when you can certify for PEUC benefit payments.
If you ran out of benefits before February 2 and are still within your benefit year, you most likely will not be eligible for PUA because you have to verify your unemployment is a direct result of the pandemic. However, you may be eligible for the new federal 13-week extension. The EDD will notify you of how to apply as soon as further details are available.
If you have run out of your benefits AND your benefit year has expired, you are encouraged to reapply for benefits through UI Online. Based on the information you provide, the EDD will determine if you qualify for a new regular UI claim based on wage data or a PUA claim.
If you are unable to collect regular UI benefits due to a disqualification (such as you voluntarily quit, were fired or discharged from your employer), or you are serving a false statement penalty from a past claim, you could be eligible for PUA benefits. As with group one above, you will receive a Notice of Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Award and a separate document you’ll need to complete to give the EDD additional details that we don’t already have from you to meet PUA requirements. Watch for further updates soon.
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NEW: direct Unemployment Guru Help
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Tools & Calculators
Unemployment Gurus has tools and calculators to figure out those really confusing questions:
How much can I earn and still qualify for the FPUC $300 from the new stimulus?
Do I qualify for FED-ED?
How much will I get if I work?
What is my standard base period?
Do I qualify for LWA?
Am I eligible for UI?
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