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W2/PUA: 5/27 Julie Su Update - PUA, Extension, Penalty Week

Unemployment Guru

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Straight from Julie Su on Facebook -- link here

PUA - those that qualify for higher benefits

· Starting last week, PUA above the min. $167/week began; Californians whose 2019 earnings justify a higher amount will begin to see these bumps in addition to the $600/week from 3/29-7/25. You do not need to re-apply or send any docs unless requested by EDD.

PEUC 13-week extension

· PEUC 13-week extensions will be filed automatically for some Californians this week. Details on a previous update here

NOTE!! On this update here, EDD states that those in phase 1 should look on their online portal "within the week of May 27". Keyword "within"... which means, it's not all going to happen on May 27 :(

Waiting for debit card

· Your payment may have been loaded onto an existing card. If you don't have that card, B of A has new website features for requesting a new card & pin.

Why is my claim flagged?

· UI claims can be flagged for various reasons (e.g., SSN submitted doesn't match your name; SSN has been used by someone else). Those awaiting identity verifications need relief. That's why EDD worked through Memorial Day weekend to process claims.

· We continue to work on easier interface with EDD, including proactive texting to claimants, and on improvements to get benefits out faster like digital debit cards to cut down on mail time.

Penalty Weeks

· Information for those impacted by penalty weeks; please read this whole thread:

· Those who are still serving penalty weeks can be eligible for PUA (Group 1); those finished may get UI (Group 2).


· If you are still serving penalty weeks (Group 1), keep an eye out for 2 documents in the mail: a Notice of PUA Award and a PUA self-certification. Complete & send the PUA self-cert back.

· The PUA self-cert is required under the CARES Act & different from ongoing online claims certs. The mailed self-cert is about initial eligibility. Online cert is about continued eligibility. Be sure to complete & mail back the PUA self-cert.

  • On PUA self-cert: Please read all reasons for unemployment and select what best fits your situation.

  • On PUA self-cert: If your place of work is partially open but you're unemployed/on reduced hours due to #COVID-19, you may check "place of employment is closed as direct result of COVID-19 public health emergency" because YOUR position is impacted due to partial closure/reduced hours due to COVID-19 limitations on the business.

  • Those serving penalty weeks will be paid retroactive PUA for weeks of COVID19-affected unemployment as early as 2/2, incl the extra $600 for each week unemployment from 3/29.

· Group 1: You will stay on PUA. Any penalty weeks you've already served are deemed completed. Any additional ones will need to be served when PUA expires and whenever you apply for UI again.

· Group 1: Once you self-certify, you will get PUA benefits for as long as you are unemployed due to COVID-19 for up to 39 weeks or until Dec. 2020. You will also get PUA benefits going back to when you were first unemployed due to COVID-19.

· If you're serving penalty weeks & on PUA, all UI overpayments & penalties still need to be paid back but won't be taken from PUA. If UI overpayments were deducted, EDD is correcting this; you will be credited for deductions. Please give EDD the time to get this implemented and corrected!!! Do not call and ask when it will happen - as I'm sure you know, they take forever. I'm willing to bet it will take 3-4 weeks from today. The only reason why I say to try not to call is that there are many people suffering who ABSOLUTELY need to get through to get in touch with someone, but cannot due to so many people calling when they don't have to.


· If you have finished serving penalty weeks (Group 2), and remain unemployed, you may be eligible for UI again. For retroactive PUA during the time you were serving penalty weeks, you will get a PUA Retroactive Payment Option notice and Self-Certification form.

· Group 2: Retroactive PUA self-certification notices will be sent out at the end of this week and over the next week. Complete and return to get retro PUA payments.


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Tools & Resources:

NEW: direct Unemployment Guru Help

We are now servicing people who have claims that have been stuck for months or those who need assistance with appeals. If you have other questions you can ask in our forum which we check periodically.

Tools & Calculators

Unemployment Gurus has tools and calculators to figure out those really confusing questions:

  • How much can I earn and still qualify for the FPUC $300 from the new stimulus?

  • Do I qualify for FED-ED?

  • How much will I get if I work?

  • What is my standard base period?

  • Do I qualify for LWA?

  • Am I eligible for UI?

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