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News Release & FAQs

Unemployment Guru

EDD updates, a few FAQ's, and information from older news in case you missed it.

PUA/PEUC Phase 2

  • Those who are a part of phase 2 (who had zero balance on Dec 26, 2020) -- EDD expects programming to be in place by March 7, 2021.

  • Check your e-mail, text, or mail for notices that will let you know when it's time to certify for your benefits

Moving from PUA back on to PEUC??

  • If you had a previous PEUC extension, you may be moved back to PEUC to receive the 11 week extension from the Continued Assistance Act (CAA)

  • Your Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) could change when you change programs

  • It is possible your WBA will be lower if your PEUC was a lower weekly benefit amount. This is required federally.

  • 46% of claimants will see a higher benefit amount when they return to PEUC from PUA

  • Being placed back on PEUC extension will be effective February 7, 2021

Can I stay on PUA since it's a higher weekly benefit amount?

  • No. If you qualify for a regular UI claim that is the claim you are supposed to be on.

  • The only time you can be on PUA is if you are ineligible for regular UI

My claim has "Pending" status - why?

EDD is returning to phone interviews to confirm eligibility. Common reasons include:

  • You filed a new claim and reported you were fired or quit your job

  • Issue with your certification: offered worked but reported too sick or other reason

  • Issue with certification: refused a job offer in your normal field of occupation

First few weeks of January are missing, why?

  • In one of EDD's newsletters they mentioned that anyone who re-opened their claim before they received an official notice from EDD can continue to certify, but the first few weeks will be available for certification later.

I've read all the threads that say to not reopen you claim... I haven't touched it and the button is still there, what should I do?

  • If you are a claimant that had 0 balance Dec 26, 2020 -- they are implementing the extensions and have said they expect it to be complete March 7, 2021.

  • If you cannot wait, you can attempt to reopen with knowing that you may have to call in to fix it.

  • If you are NOT a claimant who had 0 balance -- it may result in calling regardless, so you could chance it and click it anyway.

Suspended claims updates & Identity Verification

There were 1.4 million claims identified as potentially fraudulent. You could have been:

  • Notified of disqualification and appeal rights

  • Directed to confirm eligibility through questionnaire

  • Mailed paper requests for identity verification

  • Asked to validate ID through (majority of claims identified as fraudulent)

  • Any identities not validated by February 15, 2021 face disqualification and will issue determination notice with appeal rights

  • NOTE: Many people are recently getting notifications that their ID is verified via

I've verified... I don't see any changes on my account, why?

  • It takes 7-10 days to determine whether or not you meet all other eligibility requirements

How can I avoid delays in verifying my identity?

  1. Make sure information matches. You would be surprised how many people mess up one number or letter. This has happened with EDD claims as well. Make sure to check your name, date of birth, and social security number matches information on file with the Social Security Administration (SSA) or the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). For example, if you changed your name but DID NOT notify the DMV... you should have whatever matches with the DMV information.

  2. Provide correct documentation. DO NOT provide expired documents! Make sure they have the correct name or date of birth. This even includes double checking your own birth certificate.

Why was I unsuccessful in verifying my identity?

It could be because:

  • Submitting unreadable photo

  • Submitting a phone number that is not associated with the individual's name or address

  • Credit report is locked, frozen, or contains erroneous information

  • Individuals are already verified identity with or had an error or typo on their submission

Mixed Earner Unemployment Compensation (MEUC)

  • EDD is currently looking to US Department of Labor for guidance on how to implement this program

  • This is probably a low priority for EDD since they are trying to get everyone the extensions. More than likely this will be implemented later when everyone has their extension

  • See federal provision on EDD website


Which unemployment benefits are taxable?

  • Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits.

  • Disability Insurance benefits received as a substitute for UI benefits.

  • Pandemic Unemployment Assistance benefits.

  • Disaster Unemployment Assistance benefits.

  • Paid Family Leave benefits.

More articles in regards to taxes and unemployment:


How do I return unemployment benefits I should not have received?

EDD will send you a notice if you were overpaid. It's important to repay it as soon as possible to avoid collection and legal action. Visit Benefit Overpayment Services to learn how to repay an existing overpayment.

I have not received a notice, but I still would like to pay it back. What do I need to do?

If you want to repay these benefits before receiving a notice:

  • Benefit check not cashed – Return the original check to the EDD.

  • Benefit check cashed – Send a personal check, cashier's check, or money order made payable to the EDD.

  • EDD Debit CardSM – If the funds are still on your card, transfer them to your bank account and then repay them by sending a personal check, cashier’s check, or money order made payable to the EDD.

Include a letter with the following information:

  • Name.

  • Mailing address.

  • Social Security number or EDD Customer Account Number (EDDCAN).

  • Week or weeks that the returned payment applies to.

  • Reason for returning the benefits.

  • Date you returned to work (if applicable).

  • Gross earnings for each week of benefits being returned (if applicable).

Mail the payment and letter to:

Employment Development Department – Overpayment Center PO Box 66000 Anaheim, CA 92806

Note: If you return the overpayment, you will still receive a notice from the EDD.

Additional California Resources

Visit Additional Resources for a list of resources that may help you, including:

  • Financial Help: Financial assistance for people affected by COVID-19.

  • CalJOBS: Search for jobs, find training programs, and more.

  • America's Job Center of California: Locate an office near you to find a job, training, and more.

  • CalFresh: Food assistance for people and families with low income, including those who lost their job due to COVID-19.

  • CalWORKs: Provides assistance for eligible families with children for up to 5 years. Includes cash and services like rental assistance and job skills training.


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Unemployment Guru Resources

Direct Help

We are now servicing people who have claims that have been stuck for months. If you have other questions you can ask in our forum which we check periodically.

Tools & Calculators

Unemployment Gurus has tools and calculators to figure out those really confusing questions:

  • How much can I earn and still qualify for the FPUC $300 from the new stimulus?

  • Do I qualify for FED-ED?

  • How much will I get if I work?

  • What is my standard base period?

  • Do I qualify for LWA?

  • Am I eligible for UI?

Preview tools here


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