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2/5 EDD News Update

Unemployment Guru

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

Extension Updates

I'm on PUA/PEUC ... what's phase 2?

  • EDD indicated that those who had zero balance on or prior to 12/27/20 will be part of phase 2

  • Phase 1 were those who had a remaining balance on 12/27/20

Updates on Phase 2 - extended benefits for PUA/PEUC

  • Notifications for these claimants will be sent next week

  • Notification will say to look for the chance to start certifying by March 7, 2021

  • This will come via emails, text, or mailed notice

Any phase 1 updates?

  • Phase 1 roll-out has been completed

  • EDD continues to do sweeps for those who are about to run out

Pending Status Updates

  • If you have a pending status this is based on eligibility issues in the week-by-week unemployment insurance program.

  • EDD is required to return to conducting phone interviews to investigate eligibility

  • Because of the pandemic, looking for work is not required, but being able and available to accept work if offered is.

Suspended claims updates

There were 1.4 million claims identified as potentially fraudulent. You could have been:

  • Notified of disqualification and appeal rights

  • Directed to confirm eligibility through questionnaire

  • Mailed paper requests for identity verification

  • Asked to validate ID through (majority of claims identified as fraudulent)

I've verified... I don't see any changes on my account, why?

  • It takes 7-10 days to determine whether or not you meet all other eligibility requirements

How can I avoid delays in verifying my identity?

  1. Make sure information matches. You would be surprised how many people mess up one number or letter. This has happened with EDD claims as well. Make sure to check your name, date of birth, and social security number matches information on file with the Social Security Administration (SSA) or the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). For example, if you changed your name but DID NOT notify the DMV... you should have whatever matches with the DMV information.

  2. Provide correct documentation. DO NOT provide expired documents! Make sure they have the correct name or date of birth. This even includes double checking your own birth certificate.

Why was I unsuccessful in verifying my identity?

It could be because:

  • Submitting unreadable photo

  • Submitting a phone number that is not associated with the individual's name or address

  • Credit report is locked, frozen, or contains erroneous information

  • Individuals are already verified identity with or had an error or typo on their submission


Newsletter reminds people other eligibility requirements are still in effect:

  • In order to qualify for an initial claim, one must have earned minimum amount of wages over the last 18 months, but unemployed or working less hours through no fault of there own

  • After starting a claim, you have to fill out the bi-weekly certification to certify that you are eligible to collect benefits every two weeks

Eligibility for bi-weekly certification includes:

Being able and available or work. If you were too sick or had other reasons for not accepting work, EDD must follow up with a phone interview to determine eligibility for that period (the week you certify that you are not able/available)

Being willing to accept suitable work. If you refuse a job offer in the individual's customary occupation, a phone interview will be conducted

Reporting any work or earnings. You must tell EDD if you worked at al ldurin gthe bi-weekly period and provide any gross earnings. To understand the math here is another article that explains it in depth.

More on bi-weekly certification here

Additional links & sources:

More information on

Verifying identity through a video call (PDF)

2/5/21 EDD News release here

Full news release here


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Tools & Resources:

Direct Unemployment Guru Help

We are now servicing people who have claims that have been stuck for months. If you have other questions you can ask in our forum which we check periodically.

Tools & Calculators

Unemployment Gurus has tools and calculators to figure out those really confusing questions:

  • How much can I earn and still qualify for the FPUC $300 from the new stimulus?

  • Do I qualify for FED-ED?

  • How much will I get if I work?

  • What is my standard base period?

  • Do I qualify for LWA?

  • Am I eligible for UI?

Preview tools here



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