Summary of EDD news release below
ABC interviewing EDD here
Additional $600
Additional $600 is still expected to end July 25 and will not extend unless the federal government takes action (HEROES Act)
If you have pending weeks PRIOR to July 25 -- you are still eligible for the extra $600 (assuming you qualify for those weeks able and avail to work, not refusing work, etc)
Any certification after 7/25, assuming the federal government does not extend the $600, everyone will be only receiving the amount that is listed on their main page -- the weekly benefit amount ONLY.
Those on regular UI - these are all the programs you can qualify for:
Regular UI - 26 weeks
PEUC - 13 weeks
FED-ED - 20 weeks
Eligibility for FED-ED is different -- read up about it here. All programs are supposedly automatic
Those on PUA - these are all the programs you can qualify for
PUA - 39 weeks
FED-ED - additional 7 weeks
Parents of school closures & eligibility
Working parents/guardians may be eligible if child's school is shut down or offering distance learning only and parents have to miss work to care for their child
If a parent quits, EDD is required to determine if it was "good cause" before determining eligibility
You must remain able and available to work in order to be eligible (this is referring to how you answer your certification questions)
Individuals could qualify for benefits if there are no other options for child care available
If an employer allowed a parent to work less than full time, you could be considered eligible for reduced unemployment amount
If you are not eligibility for regular UI benefits and have primary caregiving responsibilities, you can apply to PUA benefits (same application as regular UI). My advice - just apply and EDD will determine if you are eligible.
Other things:
EDD has text message alerts to inform you if you have a PEUC or FED-ED filed on their behalf as well as if they need to verify your identity
PUA are doing re-computations and supposedly some claims take more time because they are more complex
Top FAQs of the week -- supposedly they update this regularly
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Tools & Calculators
Unemployment Gurus has tools and calculators to figure out those really confusing questions:
How much can I earn and still qualify for the FPUC $300 from the new stimulus?
Do I qualify for FED-ED?
How much will I get if I work?
What is my standard base period?
Do I qualify for LWA?
Am I eligible for UI?
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