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9/10 News Release

Unemployment Guru

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Lost Wages Program Updates

I'm not receiving my payments in a lump sum why?

  • If you certified for all three weeks at once, you will get the $900 in one payment

  • If you certified bi-weekly, you will receive either $300 and then $600 or vice versa depending on which Sunday you fall.

If your bi-weekly certification covered weeks ending August 1 and 8, but following certification covered August 15: You will get $600 and then $300

If your bi-weekly certification covered weeks ending August 1, but following certification covered August 8 and August 15: You will get $300 and then $600

I had excessive earnings, was fully employed or disqualified weeks ending August 1 to August 15. What about me?

  • You will not receive LWA payments. If you were partially employed and already received unemployment for those weeks, you will get it.

  • Simply put, if you received no money from UI from those weeks = no LWA

I'm part of Phase 1, where I indicated I was effected by COVID-19. When will I get my payment?

  • LWA payments are schedule to be completed in the next couple of weeks

What if you're in Phase 2, where I didn't get a chance to indicate I was effected by COVID-19?

  • Starting September 15, EDD will start accepting self-attestations to say that you were effected by COVID-19 for your reason for partial or full unemployment.

  • Look out for emails, texts, or mailed notices to complete this self-attestation

I heard that CA got approved for 5 weeks. When is that coming?

  • After Phase One and Phase Two payments are made.

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • $100 weekly benefit amount

  • Received payment on weeks July 26 - August 26



My certification looks different, why?

  • Due to CARES Act of 2020, claimants have to attest each week unemployed is due to being fully or partially unemployed as a direct result of COVID-19.

  • If you select COVID-19 is not a reason why, you will not be paid benefits that week.

Fraud is rampant!

Be aware of following actions taken in the face of fraud

  • EDD is no longer backdating new PUA claims in order to stop perpetrators from targeting earlier months when federal stimulus payments were available

But what if I legitimately need to backdate?

Submit online inquire through Ask EDD

  • Select Unemployment Insurance > "Claim Questions" > "Backdate the Effective Date of my Claim Due to COVID-19"

  • Speak to representative at 833-978-2511 (main line is 800-300-5616)

EDD is also limiting multiple claims at the same address

Stacks of EDD letters have been showing up to the same address.

EDD WILL NOT send representatives to your home!!

What do I do if I get mail that isn't for me?

Send fraudulent documents or mail directly to EDD investigators through EDD PO Box 826880, Mic 43, Sacramento, CA 94280-0225

Write "Return to Sender" on envelope and provide it to the mail carrier

Envelopes that contain debit cards can also be returned to sender

Full EDD News letter here

For information on fraud here


Tools & Resources:

NEW: direct Unemployment Guru Help

We are now servicing people who have claims that have been stuck for months or those who need assistance with appeals. If you have other questions you can ask in our forum which we check periodically.

Tools & Calculators

Unemployment Gurus has tools and calculators to figure out those really confusing questions:

  • How much can I earn and still qualify for the FPUC $300 from the new stimulus?

  • Do I qualify for FED-ED?

  • How much will I get if I work?

  • What is my standard base period?

  • Do I qualify for LWA?

  • Am I eligible for UI?

Preview tools here

FAQcaui partnered up with Riveter. Join for free and access dozens of discounts to services, all custom negotiated to support unemployed Americans or use code FAQCAUI for additional offers.


Are you missing unemployment benefits?

We've helped thousands get the unemployment benefits they deserve. For just $25, schedule your 30-minute consultation now.

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