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New Tools & Calculators!

Unemployment Guru

Updated: Feb 9, 2021

I coded and created these tools to help ease the confusion of the math behind all the EDD calculations. 

These tools are available with a one time purchase of $18 for a whole year, which is equivalent to a dollar a month. I priced it this way because I felt it was a very reasonable price of balancing my service/time to others as well as not making unemployed people put up a crazy amount.

It's not required to purchase to use the rest of the website. Purchase if you feel these tools can help you or if you just feel like supporting me.

If you want to explore, here are some preview images:

Q: What is my new Weekly Benefit Amount if I go back to work?

Q: Do I qualify for FED-ED?

Q: What is my base period?

Q: Am I eligible for regular UI? How much do I qualify for?

The Lost Wages Assistance Program the one calculator that will be free.

It is possible to manually calculate everything. The math and explanations are explicitly laid out throughout the website as well as on EDD’s website, though it can be very confusing.

Future tools that I plan to code will answer:

  • Understanding Backdating - do I qualify for more or less?

  • How many weeks until I run out of benefits?

  • How much am I eligible for PUA for?

  • What is the maximum I can earn to qualify for federal aid? I will create this tool if a new stimulus passes!

Please read the Terms & Conditions if you plan on purchasing.

Additional Tools & Resources

NEW: direct Unemployment Guru Help

We are now servicing people who have claims that have been stuck for months or those who need assistance with appeals. If you have other questions you can ask in our forum which we check periodically.


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