12/27/20 Update: PEUC has an added 11 weeks and now is a total of 24 weeks. 24 weeks are available up until April 5, 2021.
PEUC provides up to 13 additional weeks (plus 11 weeks with new stimulus) of payments to individuals who have exhausted their regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits with respect to a benefit year that ended on or after July 1, 2019.
Do I need to do anything for the extension? Is it automatic? Where do I apply?
It’s AUTOMATIC. No need to do anything.
You need to finish up your regular UI for this to trigger
Do I qualify for the PEUC 13 week extension?
To qualify for a PEUC extension, you must:
Be fully or partially unemployed March 29, 2020, or after.
Have used all benefits on your claim that started July 8, 2018, or after.
Not qualify for a regular UI claim in California or any other state.
Meet all UI eligibility requirements.
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation will be in two phases:
Phase 1 - refers to most people who applied March 2020
Benefit year started on or after June 2, 2019 with exhausted benefits
As of May 27, EDD is reviewing your claim. If you are not eligible for a new UI claim, they will automatically file for a PEUC extension on your last valid UI claim
You should get a notice 5-7 business days after they file your PEUC extension with more information
Make sure to check your inbox in your UI Online portal about potential eligibility
Follow up e-mail will come within a few days about weekly certifications
Phase 2
Benefit year started after July 2018 and before June 2, 2019 with exhausted benefits
If you're in this group, do not delay in filing for a new regular UI claim
Look out for mail notices in early JULY
You will have to apply for a new UI claim through their online portal in case you have more wages for a new claim
If you are not eligible for a new claim, they will automatically file a PEUC extension on your last claim
After extension is filed, you'll need to continue certifying
How do I apply to PUA after my regular UI claim runs out?
You don’t. Next is PEUC. If you have a qualifying claim they will put you on PEUC. PUA are for those who do not qualify for regular UI benefits
I have X amount of weeks left... when will it switch?
You have to exhaust your benefits before it will automatically put you on PEUC. You have to hit 0 in your account before anything happens
My balance has less than my usual weekly benefit for the very last week. Is there a way to get my usual?
If your last week has less than your benefit amount then it will pay you out the remainder, there is not a way to “make up” for your full weekly benefit. You are given an award amount at the beginning of your claim and your claim will last until you use it up entirely (or your claim year ends, whichever happens first). It will not give you anything extra. The reason for a weird remainder on the last week is because you had worked during your claim period which caused you to receive less benefits in the weeks you worked, which means it didn’t take away from your main balance and made your last week an uneven amount.
How much will I get in benefits?
Your PEUC payments will be the same as the weekly benefit amount on your last valid regular claim. Payments will be distributed the same you were paid with regular UI claim (for most people it's the EDD Debit Card)
How long is PEUC for?
PEUC is a 13 week extension (with the new stimulus it's additional 11 weeks)
What happens when my 24-week extension ends?
If you use all your PEUC benefits or reach the new end date of April 5, 2021, you may qualify for a separate extension of benefits known as Federal Extended Benefits, also known as FED-ED
If I'm attending school, do I still qualify for the extension?
Yes. You must meet all Unemployment Insurance eligibility requirements in order to receive PEUC benefits.
Can I still collect benefits if I go back to work?
PEUC is the same as being on regular UI -- you still need to report income. If you return to full-time work, you are no longer eligible. If you are part-time or not working much, see this article here on how to calculate your benefit.
Will I still get the additional $600?
All valid claims including PEUC will receive the additional $600. Additional $600 (FPUC) will end 7/25
Why does the paper says PEUC extends until the end of 2020?
If your claim exhausts from 3/29/20 up until the end of 2020, you will qualify for the additional 13 weeks of payment - it does not mean it lasts the entire rest of the year
Can I move from PUA to PEUC?
PEUC is a 13 week extension ONLY for people that have exhausted regular UI benefits and not related to those serving penalty weeks or need to serve. You cannot switch from PUA to Regular UI benefits.
The only time this was allowed was when UI put people on PUA in the beginning when PEUC wasn't implemented yet. You should have had all that fixed by now.
FAQ from EDD here
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Tools & Calculators
Unemployment Gurus has tools and calculators to figure out those really confusing questions:
How much can I earn and still qualify for the FPUC $300 from the new stimulus?
Do I qualify for FED-ED?
How much will I get if I work?
What is my standard base period?
Do I qualify for LWA?
Am I eligible for UI?
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