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New Phone Hack

Unemployment Guru

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

Don't you absolutely hate dialing and having to LISTEN to the prompts and be sure you are hitting them at the right time? Each call is 3 minutes... and when you dial for 3 minutes a hundred times... well, that's a lot of time spent.

TO BE CLEAR: This hack DOES NOT get you to an agent or magically solve your claim. All it does is making the calling process not painful. You still have to dial the initial call, but it's better than having to listen OVER AND OVER so you can push the RIGHT numbers at the RIGHT time.

If you prefer looking at a video on "HOW TO" do it, scroll to the bottom for the video. 1. Create a new contact in your phone and copy and paste this as the number:

‭(800) 300-5616,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,4‬

You can also save the 833 number:

‭(833) 978-2511,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,4‬

If you want to do the 1341, which I never had success in but many others have:

‭(800) 300-5616,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1341

‭(833) 978-2511,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1341

Here is a variation if you'd like to use the 1 prompt rather

‭(800) 300-5616,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,1

‭(833) 978-2511,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12,,,,,,,,,,,,1

Basically the commas represent TIME. On the iPhone, one comma seems to represent roughly 1 second. If you are on a different device you may have to add or take away a comma.

NOTE: There are NO COMMAS on the dial pad. You have to just either type this on a notepad in your phone or copy and paste this into a contact and save it.

See the video at the bottom for additional reference.


Everyone is still confused about this. If you applied last year in 2020 and it has been one whole year since then... you will have to reapply. IF YOU ARE PUA -- where you are 1099, independent contractor... this DOES NOT apply to you.

So to clear it up, if you are Regular UI, PEUC or FED-ED... it's likely you have to reapply.

If you are continuing to certify and it says PENDING and YOU HAVE NOT REAPPLIED... it's probably because the system is waiting for you to reapply to process the rest of your claim. Either that or you answered one of the certifications in a way where EDD will need to call you for clarification.

If you're missing 5+ months and want direct help, fill out our form:

The Application

Easiest way to apply is online.

What do I need before applying?

  • Social Security number

  • California driver license or ID card

  • Proof of US citizenship, or a green card, or a visa that allows you to work in the US, or an Alien Registration Number

  • Work history (last 18 months)

  • Last employer info (supervisor name, supervisor number, address, phone number, gross wages, last day worked, reason for unemployment)

Here is the paper application

Here is a video guide to prepare where to find how to reapply

Why did I get a $0 award notice when I reapplied?

This is normal. You will get this because you didn't make money last year and they will put you back on PEUC.

Am I answering the certification questions correctly?

We have an old article that explains the purpose of the certification questions and what they are truly asking. EDD also has a webpage to explain how to answer these questions. Answer correctly so you don't have a delay in your benefit payments. If you end up pending, don't be worried - EDD just needs to clarify things with you. They could potentially call you.

I already filed my taxes, do I need to do anything?

IRS says they will automatically refund money to those who filed their taxes before the changes made by the America Rescue Plan.

I received a 1099G but I never got any unemployment benefits, what should I do?

Go to AskEDD and submit a fraud reporting form online.



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Additional Resources

Direct Unemployment Guru Help

Unemployment Gurus services those who have been stuck 5+ months. If you have questions you can ask in our forum which we check periodically.

We are also HIRING more Unemployment Gurus to help us help more people. So many people are still owed benefits since March! It's still a shock to us each time we hear it. Help us help people get their benefits that are rightly owed to them. See our careers page.

Tools & Calculators

Unemployment Gurus has tools and calculators to figure out those really confusing questions:

  • How much can I earn and still qualify for the FPUC $300 from the new stimulus?

  • Do I qualify for FED-ED?

  • How much will I get if I work?

  • What is my standard base period?

  • Do I qualify for LWA?

  • Am I eligible for UI?

Preview tools here


Are you missing unemployment benefits?

We've helped thousands get the unemployment benefits they deserve. For just $25, schedule your 30-minute consultation now.

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