Their website has finally been updated to explain whether or not you should be applying for a new claim. At first they were saying to simply look out for a notification from EDD, but now they have a clearer explanation for everything.
There were three newsletters that recently came out from EDD. Here are the highlights (or you can read them which is linked at the bottom of this article):
47% o PEUC claimants will continue to collect benefits
PEUC claimants that exhausted their benefits will be phased in between April 10 and April 30
95% of PUA claimants will continue to be able to certify. The 5% will get notifications by March 28, 2021
New PUA claimants can be eligible for higher weekly benefit amount by April 10 and the increase will be applied retroactively (with proof of income)
Charts and data such as backlog is 152,000 and has paid approx 19.5 billion since January. If you're interested in the charts, see link at the bottom of this article.
The New Frequently Asked Question
None of the EDD news articles really answers the question everyone keeps wanting clarification on: "TO REAPPLY OR NOT TO REAPPLY??!"
BUT - there is a page on the EDD website that explains the following:
EVEN IF YOU ARE ON EXTENSION - you must apply for a new claim

YOU NEED TO REAPPLY if it has been 1 year since you applied to Regular UI and you are on the following:
Regular UI
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)
Federal-State Extended Duration (FED-ED)
Again, if you are on the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)... you DO NOT need to do anything!!! Everything is easy for those on PUA.
I don't know what program I am on, how do I find out?
NOTE: To reiterate, unless you are on PUA, it's likely you have to refile if it's been 1 year since you first applied.
But if you want to know what program you are on here you go:
Log into your UI Online
Click "History"
Click "Transactions"
Find "Program Type"

Here is the link to apply for a new claim
TL;DR - you need to reapply no matter what extension you are on if your claim has already existed for 1 year. This includes if you are currently on: regular UI, PEUC, and FED-ED. The only instance you do not is if you are PUA and have not made W2 wages this past year.
The main article that will be updated is right here if you'd like to follow it:
Do I need to amend my taxes?
No. The IRS currently says to not amend your taxes and will administer guidance as soon as possible. At one point they did put on their website that it would be automatic, but it has reverted to say they will issue guidance soon. See current IRS page yourself here. It could change from when this article has been published.
Subscribe at the bottom if you want to be e-mailed updates.
Additional Tools & Resources
Direct Unemployment Guru Help
We are servicing people who have claims that have been stuck for many months. If you have questions you can ask in our forum which we check periodically.
We are also HIRING more Unemployment Gurus to help us meet the demand. So many people are still owed benefits since March! It's still a shock to us each time we hear it. Help us help people get their benefits that are rightly owed to them. See our careers page.
Tools & Calculators
Unemployment Gurus has tools and calculators to figure out those really confusing questions:
How much can I earn and still qualify for the FPUC $300 from the new stimulus?
Do I qualify for FED-ED?
How much will I get if I work?
What is my standard base period?
Do I qualify for LWA?
Am I eligible for UI?
Preview tools here
If your payment history shows " original certification" and you are still in your
benefit year but out of payments i gather you have to wait for EDD to do something?
I have no option to do anything online
To reapply for a new claim (mine has ended on 04-05) what is the best phone number and time range to call? My last employer was a Federal Agency so I understand a Federal Specialist at the EDD has to open my claim. Is anyone on the same boat?
To reapply for a new claim (mine has ended on 04-05) what is the best phone number and time range to call? My last employer was a Federal Agency so I understand a Federal Specialist at the EDD has to open my claim. Is anyone on the same boat?
What is program type "tier 2"?
how do you file a new claim when there is no link to do so?
the only way seems to create a new login?
wouldnt that screw up even more?