This website is no longer updated or active as of June 2023. Please refer to EDD's website for the most up to date and accurate information
Send extra thanks ❤️ to our Gurus
About the "Extra Thanks" Page
Many people have been requesting a place where they can give a small contribution because they are grateful for the Facebook page, all the information that has been created on this website, or because they appreciate the time some of the Unemployment Gurus have given to them for their advice and expertise. This page exists only because many people are asking for one.
We sincerely appreciate your appreciation! 😊

Is the contribution tax-deductible?
We are NOT a non-profit or a 501c3 so we cannot classify any contributions to us as tax-deductible. You cannot write this contribution off on your taxes and any contributions will be seen as an exchange of service. You are contributing because this website or our consultation services were useful for you.
Are there other ways I can say thanks?
Absolutely! We have a review page so leave us a review if you'd like and let us know how we are doing.